Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Visual clues for traps

Recently I've started to incorporate a visual component to the traps I include in dungeons. Previously the trap would only exist in my notes and the PCs would have to make a perception check or ask about traps to notice it.

Visual trap indicators can take on several forms depending on what the trap is:

  • Symbols, rules, or other markings on the floor
  • A thin tripwire similar in color to the floor
  • A slight outline or discoloration of certain tiles to indicate a pressure plate

Including such indicators has several advantages:

  • Checking for traps becomes more engaging. Rolling dice is fun, but so is bypassing a challenge with clever / careful play.
  • Players pay more attention to the map as they are looking for traps
  • Traps feel less punishing as even the players had a fair shake at noticing them.
  • They’re super easy to add to any VTT map!

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